Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to Create a Blog

Step 1 : List of Google
Contents at a Glance

less ...
Register yourself on Google
First you must mengdaftar to log in to Blogger using your Google email and password. You must have logged in

Please visit You'll get a page as shown below.

If you already have a Google login, you stay logged in, then you will go to the Control Panel or Control Panel.

Oh yes, you can choose the language, whether Indonesian or English. For this time I assume you do not already have a Google login. Click the big arrow that says CREATE YOUR BLOG. So far, very easy and will continue to be easy.

First Page

Step 2: List of Blogs
Complete Your Registration
After you click the big arrow that says CREATE YOUR BLOG, it will appear as the existing form in the figure below.

This process will create a Google account that you can use on other Google services. If you already have a Google account mungkn from Gmail, Google Groups, or Orkut.

A Google account can be used to access all the facilities provided by Google.

If you already have Accout google, you can simply log in (go). To log in to Google, you must log in using your email address.

Please complete.

1. The email address you enter must already exist before. You will be sent a confirmation to the email. If you use a fake email or email that a new plan will be created, then the application can fail. You do not need to use email Any email can be.

2. Complete the other data.

3. Check "I accept the Terms of Service" as evidence that you agree. BTW you've read?

Once complete, click the arrow that says continue.

Registration Form 1

Registration Form 2

Step 3: Create a Blog
Choosing a Blog Name and URL Blog
If you are successful, you will be taken to a page as shown below. If you fail? Usually fail because you are wrong verification word. That is reasonable because the word verification is often difficult to read. The patient only, repeat until correct. ok .....

After you successfully register, you'll be taken to a page like the one in the picture below. Now you begin to create a blog with your name and address of your blog.

For example, I named my blog with a name-08.biasanya ilmukomputer blog name must match the email that we have .....

If you make a lens with the aim of promoting your product or affiliate products, so in choosing a name, must contain the name of the product or service that you offer. For example, if you want to sell my ebook, you can choose key words such as motivation, success, positive thinking, and the key words that match the other.

You also can research the keywords that most sought-after people (of course must be related to the product you sell) on
https: / / select / KeywordToolExternal

You can check availability of your blog address that you choose. If available can you continue. If not available, then you must be creative to find other names or modify existing addresses, for example added abc, xzy, 101, and can also insert your name.

Continue to click the arrow labeled CONTINUE.

Choosing a template

Creating Blog Done
Now living posting, settings, and layout
Congratulations, now you already have a blog. Now you've started to post your thoughts in blog and shared throughout the world (uh Indonesia).

Indeed there are still some things you should do, namely setting, layout, adding eleman, and replacement of the theme if you want another theme. This is for advanced level.

At least, you already have a blog and can post. This was enough for the early stages. To explore the problem more in Blog, I suggest you read the ebook Blog gets Duit.

In the ebook, not only taught how nge-blog, but also how to make money from blogs. I myself have proved it, I get money from blogging. Do not be surprised if I was diligent blogging....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eradicate the virus without Anti Virus...

Virus, all people would know it but the law would complete explanation clay of the old post I wrote, yes, There Sekalian tuh Promotions, he2x .. actually eradicate the virus without any anti-virus is not a difficult thing. Viruses now mostly cuman cuman passengers hanging out of his passengers laying term, he2x.

Here is my maw love little knowledge I have to teman2 in this virtual world. Actually remove this virus without an anti-virus by using this you will know gimana sih a virus maker uses it in making logika2 virus. Viruses typically consist of the Mamak (Mother Virus) n Si Son, he2x Well here we have used is to Exterminate the Mamak Mamak because the one who has full power if it's easy anak2 we ntar ga Exterminate if there mamak, usually at he2x The Mamak Local viruses often hang out on our Windows.

Ah ah ntar udah many explanations Bored again .. he2x. I immediately wrote a little jelasin Tips to Remove Virus Without Anti Virus.

* Open Regedit but it is my suggestion you back up or save to go, there ntar takut2 other problems ..

* Come HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ MICROSOFT \ WINDOWS \ CurrentVersion \ Run (Liat Left side). HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ MICROSOFT \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run (Left side View). Here is where the first x aplikasi2 run by a windows virus usually hang out in here.

* So here you have to carefully and thoroughly to find out it was a virus or not but you just have to be afraid of strange clay hal2 who wrote this road Nootepad.exe and reegedit.exe that includes the parent virus that resembles our system files.

* Record the presence of virus in a paper.

* If you already know whereabouts you live but remember to delete the virus is usually hidden Mamak therefore you should bring it in Folder Options, must dah tau semuakan ....? For example in C: / Windows/System32.

* Where's the delete, anak2 Now we remove it ... How to search aja as illustrated below.

* Before setting dolo Oia in Folder Options to see that extension can we distinguish the virus or not. The virus is usually just like we have Folder2 example You Have a folder with the name of important data of the virus ever be changed Extension Penting.exe objective data that you think your files are corrupted or a virus. That's actually a Delete Virus Anak2 aja ga worry but you are the original files are still there in the hide cuman.

* Once everything is cleared and you return the file2 is usually hidden by the virus in the following way: Go to Command Prompt and Type perintaih this is attrib-r-s-hc: *.* / s / d. Oia point C there is a directory of your hard disk but C can be replaced as D, E, F or so.