Sunday, September 13, 2009

Place the Guestbook on your Blog

Setting up a guest book (guestbook) on a blog is quite important, because this guest book is one means of interaction between a blog with the blog visitors. With the guest book at pajangnya the blog, so the visitors can express his heart out about the blog that you created, which must have the contents of a guest book can be highly variable this is a compliment, question, or there is also a criticism of the content of your blog, and instead with a guest book that makes blogs more interesting we become.

How do I get a guest book. To get very easy, you stay looking at search engines such as google or yahoo, just typing the word free free shoutbox or guestbook on search engines each site, then in a few seconds will display dozens of sites guest book provider, you stay click and take a look-see. But to save time you search, so here I will immediately give the site address guest book provider that server pretty good and rarely experience down the To how you please follow the steps below:

· As usual you should first list by clicking on one Get One paper, free =>, or by clicking on Sign Up writings, please write your data in a form that has been provided.

· If you are registered, and in receiving a member shoutmix, please login with your id

· In the column entitled Style, click mappearance.

· Please click on the pulldown menu next to Load From Preset to set the display of your guest book, please select the line with your wishes. If you are finished click Save Settings.

· To get the HTML code of your shoutbox, please click Use Shoutbox under the Quick Start menu

· Click on Place Shoutbox on the web page. Fill the width and height of the desired shoutbox

· Copy all the existing HTML code in the text area under the Codes Generated writing, and save on your Notepad program.

· Click Log out in the top of your screen to get out of your shoutmix pages. Please close the site.

· Finish ... ... .... To put this shoutbox HTML code in your blog, please follow the steps below. For the new Blogger:

· Silahkan Login dengan ID anda pada blogger.

· Click the Layout menu

· Click Page Element

· Click Add a Page Element

· Click to Blog tombolAdd under writing HTML / JavaScript

· Write the title of your shoutbox on the form title. Example: guestbook or anything that you like or do not write the title at all ... ......

· Copy and paste the HTML code in your shoutbox form Content

· Click the Save Changes button

· place the elements that you created earlier in the place of love

· Press the Save

· Done Good luck ... ... ... ... ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Turn off the computer with VB 6 and the Command Prompt

Project time that we make the program to shutdown the computer. Our program is going to call shutdown.exe program's windows XP and above. You can modify this program as a sleep (timer) to turn off your own computer. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Open up the Visual Basic 6 programs and make your new project with 1 form

2. Fill the command button with the name: cmd captionnya Turn off Computer and Computer and adjust the width length captionnya button.

3.Isikan following code in cmdMatikanKomputer by pressing F7 Private Sub cmdMati_Click ()

Shell "shutdown.exe-s-t 10-f", vbHide
End Sub
Then save your project by pressing ctrl + S, then run by pressing F5. If you click Turn off Computer button, then your program will automatically execute shutdown.exe windows property.
The following explanation and the parameters of the use shutdown.exe:
shutdown.exe [spasi] -i artinya menampilkan GUI dan paramter ini harus pertama ditaruh" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-i mean GUI display and the first paramter must be placed
shutdown.exe [spasi] -l artinya log off (tidak bisa dengan pilihan -m )" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">-font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-l means to log off (not by choice-m)
shutdown.exe [spasi] -s artinya shutdown" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-s means shutdown
shutdown.exe [spasi] -r artinya shutdown dan restart komputer" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-r means to shutdown and restart the computer
shutdown.exe [spasi] -s artinya gagalkan shutdown" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-s means shutdown prevented
shutdown.exe [spasi] -m \\nama komputer artinya remote shutdown komputer lainnya" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-m \ \ computer name that is remotely shutdown other computers
shutdown.exe [spasi] -t dd artinya shutdown komputer dengan waktu detik" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space] dd-t means computer shutdown time seconds
shutdown.exe [spasi] -c artinya shutdown dengan mengisi komentar maksimum 127 char" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-c shutdown means a comment by filling out a maximum 127 char
shutdown.exe [spasi] -f artinya shutdown dengan mematikan aplikasi yang lagi jalan, Anda juga bisa memakai shutdown.exe dengan masuk ke command prompt lalu ketikkan shutdown.exe -s -f -t 10" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">- Font-weight: bold; "> shutdown.exe [space]-f means shutdown by turning off the back road applications, you also can use shutdown.exe to go to command prompt and then type shutdown.exe-s-f-t 10 -c "Your computer will die" Thank you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

beautify tutorial blog...

To have your blog look beautiful and interesting to see, then you can put some accessories blog, one of them is to install the clock. These hours can be found for free on the site One example of the available hours is like the one my blog .........

And for those of you who want to blog in pairs at all, please follow the following steps:

# Please visit the site http://www.clocklink.comJika already on the site, please click on Want a clock on your Website?
# Go to "Clock Gallery" halaman.di there is a variety of hours ... ie starting from the Newest, up to Wallpaper.
If the taste has found a model at you like, click on View HTML tag

under an hour you like this

# If you want to display the city name, click the checkbox to "Display Name City." You can edit the name of the City later.

# Click the button marked Accept
# Select the appropriate time to place next to your TimeZone. Example: for the western part of Indonesia select GMT +7:00
# Set the size of your favorite jam next to size
# Copy the HTML code given;
Paste the HTML code copied to your place want. Done
Because the code at this blog is an HTML code, so for those of you who are still confused how to place HTML code on the blog template.

To place an hour earlier the HTML code on your blog, please follow the steps below ini.Untuk bloggers with a new template.
Template menu
# Click Edit HTML
# Paste the HTML code of your hours have been copied on this notepad where you want
# TombolPreview Click to see the changes we make.
# If it matches the earlier changes, click Save Template Changes
# Done
Good luck.