Friday, January 29, 2010

Menonaktifkan notification Baloons

Every time you turn on the PC or Netbook and into the Windows XP operating system. There will appear a message or a notification pop up ballons. Such messages are usually displayed the lower right corner, exactly disejumlah applications installed in the System Tray area. If you're tired of all the notification is displayed. you can disable it. The way is quite easy, you just need to manipulate existing data in the System Registry.

Steps were as follows: first you need to get into the Registry Editor. The trick, click the "Strart" and select "Run" and typing "regedit".

The next, you will be invited into the Windows Registry Editor. There, you can access the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced.

Now consider the right panel of the Registry editor. There you add a new DWORD with name "EnableBalloonsTips". The way the mouse right-click an empty area. Choose "New | DWORD Value." And name it "EnableBalloonsTips".

Next, you need to edit the newly created DWORD. The trick, right-click "EnableBalloonsTips" and choose "Modify." In the Edit DWORD Value window in the data column, type the number 0. Finally, close the windows Registry Editor and restart your PC or Netbook What you want to use.


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